
Tanzanian Art Once there was a man called Eduardo S. Tingatinga.
Established in 1960s
Today, "Tingatinga" is the Tanzanian term for this form of art, known mostly around the world.

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Mount Kilimanjaro
Mount Kilimanjaro is located at the north/eastern tip of Tanzania. For the adventurous, a climb of Mount Kilimanjaro is a must taking you through the mists of equatorial jungle to reach the snows and breath-taking views from the summit.


Mount Kilimanjro is located at the north/eastern tip of Tanzania. For the adventurous, a climb of Mount Kilimanjaro is a must taking you through the mists of equatorial jungle to reach the snows and breath-taking views from the summit.
Location: 3.07 S, 37.35 E
Elevation: 19,335.6 ft (5,895m)
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