
Tanzanian Art Once there was a man called Eduardo S. Tingatinga.
Established in 1960s
Today, "Tingatinga" is the Tanzanian term for this form of art, known mostly around the world.

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Some 600 km west of Dar es Salaam lies the hidden treasure of Ruaha National Park. I say it is a hidden treasure because while most people have visited the Serengeti and Ngorogoro Crater, very few seem to have traveled the nine hours from Dar to this most beautiful of parks. Last week we did just that. The road to Ruaha is long, but it is a good road of tarmac until the last 100 km, and even that is well graded. Provided one gives a wide berth to buses carrying "Be Safe with Jesus" stickers who swerve past at unnerving speeds, it is an enjoyable journey, passing through Mikumi Park and the beautiful Baobab Valley and Ruaha Gorge.


Mount Kilimanjro is located at the north/eastern tip of Tanzania. For the adventurous, a climb of Mount Kilimanjaro is a must taking you through the mists of equatorial jungle to reach the snows and breath-taking views from the summit.
Location: 3.07 S, 37.35 E
Elevation: 19,335.6 ft (5,895m)
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