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Dodoma, on the mainland plateau in Dodoma Region, was a small, regional community until 1975, when it was chosen to replace Dar es Salaam as the national capital.
The transfer of some administrative functions to
Dodoma began in the early 1980s, and continued through the 1990s. The town has grown rapidly as a result.
Today, this newly constructed city is served by the main east–west railway, a north–south highway, and an airport.

Dodoma is one of the regions of Tanzania. The region covers an area of 41,310 km² and has 1,698,996 inhabitants (census of August 2002). The region is the 12th region of Tanzania in area and covers about 5% of the mainland of the country (not counting the islands). The capital of the region is the city of Dodoma.
The region produces beans, seeds, grain, peanuts, coffee, tea, and tobacco. Cattle are also raised and marketed.
The regional commissioner of the Dodoma Region is Alhaji Mussa S.K. Nkhangaa.
For those on a budget CCT hostel , near the roundabout has clean double rooms, self-contained toilet, for 6000/=. Breakfast is included, but very basic. They do make an excellent omelet. Upscale is the Nam Hotel , across the airfield. Clean doubles, satellite TV, and good food for 18,000/=.
A bit up market is VETA , out near the Parliament. In fact MPs often stay there. Clean doubles (24,000/=) and singles (12,000/=) self contained, and a very nice TV bar, where you can rub elbows with important people. Food takes a long time, so order early.
The New Dodoma Hotel is across the street from the railway station. Excellent quality double rooms for 50,000/= and excellent food as well. They have a pool.
There are numerous guest houses of varying quality; Shukrani is nice but noisy (6,000/=)located right near a mosque, where you will be awoken by the morning call to prayer. There are also a rapidly growing number of smaller hotels, so shopping around is becoming increasingly possible.