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By Rail
Tanzania Railways Corp.
Up-country Destinations
Dar - Mwanza depts:
Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri & Sun at 5:00 pm
Dar - Kigoma depts:
Tue. Wed, Thur, Fri & Sun.
Railway Station located at the corner of Railway StJ Gerezani St.
Tel: (022) 2110600
: Tanzania - Zambia
Dar - New Kapiri (Zambia) depts:
Mon, Thur, Sat at 11:00 am
Tue & Fri at 5:34 pm
Tazara Station located at the
corner of Nelson Mandela
Expressway, Nyerere Rd.
Tel: (022) 860344-7
Sea Ferries
Sea Express
Mega Speed Liners
Azam Marine
Flying Horse .......................2124507
Zanzibar Shipping Corp. .........2152870
Sea Star Services Ltd. ...........0812 789393/781500
Country Buses
Mnazi Mmoja Terminal-Bibi Titit St.
Buses to: Zambia, Malawi,Southern Highland regions, Mombasa
Kisutu Terminal-Morogoro Rd.
Buses to: Kenya, Uganda, the Northern tourist circuit & tourist Southern Regions!
Kariakoo Terminal-Msimbazi St.
Buses to: Morogoro, Dodoma, Singida, Shinyanga & Mwanza.