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International Flights
Air Tanzania
Precision Air
Zan Air
Ferry Times
Zanzibar Airport

Tanzanian Art Once there was a man called Eduardo S. Tingatinga.

Established in 1960s
Today, "Tingatinga" is the Tanzanian term for this form of art, known mostly around the world.

Tourism In Tanzania
Tanzania Tourist Board
IPS Building, Azikiwe Street .... PO BOX: 2485, Dar es Salaam Phone: 255 22 2111244/5

Tanzania Private Sector
Tanzania Private Sector Foundation
TPSF PO BOX: 11313, D.S.M Phone: 255 22 2129433

Looking to Invest In Tanzania
Tanzania Investment Centre
PO BOX: 938, Dar es Salaam Phone: 255 22 2116328-32 Fax: 255 22 2118253



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Ferry Times
There are a few ferry operators but be careful when selecting your trip. Firstly you are going to be hassled at the port by overeager locals wanting a commission for referring you to a specific ferry operator and secondly, the "cheaper" ferries are very slow, and some don't look seaworthy. Take your time to find the Azam Marine booking office, and don't let the local people show you which is best.

We recommend Azam Marine if you are wanting to undertake trips from Dar/Zanzibar or Pemba/Zanzibar as we found them to be more comfortable and reliable. They may be a bit more expensive, but it is worth it You do not necessarily have to take the luxury option, as the seats are basically the same in both classes. Movies are offered for your entertainment in both classes whilst in the luxury class, you will be offered tea or coffee.

Be sure to remember your passport when traveling to Zanzibar port from Dar, as the authorities will ask for it. The trip Dar/Zanzibar should take about 2 hours whilst the trip Pemba/Zanzibar will take about 70 minutes. The ferry between Dar and Zanzibar operates daily and goes from Zanzibar to Pemba on Tuesdays to Friday.


Mount Kilimanjro is located at the north/eastern tip of Tanzania. For the adventurous, a climb of Mount Kilimanjaro is a must taking you through the mists of equatorial jungle to reach the snows and breath-taking views from the summit.

Location: 3.07 S, 37.35 E
Elevation: 19,335.6 ft (5,895m)

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