
What is Tanserve Directory ?
tanserve.co.tz is the largest and the most comprehensive online business directory on Tanzania. It contains more than 10,000 companies and encompasses more than 600 different categories. Listing your company on tanserve.co.tz is easy and FREE - two reasons why it continues to grow and attract thousands of visitors every day.
What it does?
The primary function of the tanserve.co.tz is simple: to consolidate on one single site, all business resources on Tanzania that can be easily searched and utilized.
What are the benefits of being listed on tanserve.co.tz ?
Appear for FREE on Tanzania's largest and most comprehensive Tanzanian Business Directory online;
Be easily located and contacted within a specific category of activity to generate sales leads
Benefit directly from the synergy of traffic generate by our unique collection of websites on Tanzania
Locate manufacturers, traders, importers, exporters and service providers for a variety of products and services
Assess your competition quickly and easily

Tanserve registers 4,000– 30,000 hits daily, making it the most popular portal in Tanzania.
Website owners can get listed with Tanserve for FREE!*. Should you wish to put up a banner advert on Tanserve, p lease contact us for further details or information.
Contact Details :
Tele: + 255 22 2133899
Fax: + 255 22 2113661
Email: info @tanserve.co.tz
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