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Marriage and Family
Diet and Eating
Local Dishes
Local Dishes 2
Places Of Interest
History of Tanzania

Tanzanian Art Once there was a man called Eduardo S. Tingatinga.

Established in 1960s
Today, "Tingatinga" is the Tanzanian term for this form of art, known mostly around the world.

Tourism In Tanzania
Tanzania Tourist Board
IPS Building, Azikiwe Street .... PO BOX: 2485, Dar es Salaam Phone: 255 22 2111244/5

Tanzania Private Sector
Tanzania Private Sector Foundation
TPSF PO BOX: 11313, D.S.M Phone: 255 22 2129433

Looking to Invest In Tanzania
Tanzania Investment Centre
PO BOX: 938, Dar es Salaam Phone: 255 22 2116328-32 Fax: 255 22 2118253



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Yield: 2 quarts (8 cups)
In Tanzania, as in other African countries, soups and sauces are served in a consistency that is as thick as our stews. Coconut Bean Soup would be used there as a meatless main dish by increasing the quantities of beans and rice. However, in adapting this recipe in our test kitchen we thinned it to soup consistency with additional water and served it as a delightful soup course. Any dried beans such as black-eyed peas or pea beans can be used in this soup. Just cover with water and cook until tender before combining them with the other ingredients. Coconut milk and the delicate use of curry give the soup its unusual flavor.
In a 3-quart saucepan:
Saute: 1/2 cup ONIONS, chopped finely
1/2 cup GREEN PEPPERS, chopped finely
1 tsp. SALT
1/4 tsp. PEPPER in
3 Tbs. MARGARINE OR BUTTER until soft but not brown.
Add 1 cup FRESH TOMATO cut in 1/2-inch pieces.
Simmer for two minutes longer.
Add: 2 1/2 cups KIDNEY BEANS (24-oz. can with liquid)
2 cups COCONUT MILK (see page 226)
3 cups WATER.
Simmer gently for 10 minutes.
Add 1/2 cup COOKED RICE.
Correct the seasonings to your taste.
Serve one-cup portions in attractive soup bowls.
Garnish each bowl with 1 tsp. SHREDDED COCONUT.

Yield: one 9-inch pie
Prepare one cooked 9-inch pie shell using packaged PIE CRUST.
In a 2-quart saucepan:
Bring 1 1/2 cups PAPAYA or GUAVA or APRICOT NECTAR to the boiling point.
Dissolve: 4 Tbs. CORNSTARCH in
Add: 4 Tbs. SUGAR and
1/2 tsp. SALT.
Add to the nectar and cook until thick and clear. Cool slightly.
Add 2 cups DICED FRESH FRUIT such as PAPAYA, PINEAPPLE, MELON, ORANGES, GUAVAS, etc., singly or in combination.
Cool to room temperature.
Pour into pie shell. Chill.
Spread with: 1 cup HEAVY CREAM whipped with
4 Tbs. SUGAR.
Sprinkle: 1/2 cup MOIST SHREDDED COCONUT mixed with
1/2 cup CHOPPED PEANUTS over the top.

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